
Tuesday 21 August 2012

Another reason of buying new pants

Yes, I've found the best reason of buying new pants. 

Before you continue reading, this post contains content that might not be comfortable to you. So, bear your own risk reading it. bit disgusting. LOL

Reasons of buying new pants mostly would be like this:
1. Fashion, new trend. 
2. I don't have Long/Short/formal/blue/red/rainbow colour/whatever type of pants you can think of. Wanna get one. 
3. To get a pair of matching pants. *you know, girls* 
4. Because it's a promotion, buy 1 for rm70, 2 for rm 90. Since my friend is going to get one, so I being a best friend, TO SAVE HER PAYING EXTRA, I get one also. *don't laugh, I'm serious. * lol. YES! BEST EXCUSE
5. For some occasion that you think you need a pair of new pants! What kind of occasion? hmmmmm... can't recall/think of any yet. haha. 

That day I went shopping alone, it was a very sudden and last minute decision. Straight to First Avenue at penang island after breakfast at Butterworth. 

While I almost reach Penang, I felt something wrong. you know.. that very uncomfortable, anxious moment that you wish to be in toilet just to 

not poop...
not pee....

just to.... check whether your dai yi ma visit you not! 

Unfortunately, it happens on me. 
So, have you found out the answer? the new reason of buying new pants? 

Yes, got the ''footprint'' of  daiyima on my pants. Shit! 
It's a 20 cents size big period stain. =( 
not obvious.  

But, think the other way round, it's a not that bad reason of buying new pants. haha. 

So, after confirmation, straight to watson get the smallest pack of pads. 

So, I bought this, and it was cheap! 
rm2.50 only for  8 pads.  Sofy sofy~~! 

and I was back to toilet again. Decided to wash the stain, so I was stuck in the toilet that only can fit one person. Imagine me in the toilet drying up my pants by swinging, at the same time minimizing my movement trying not to have any skin contact with the wall. 

Luckily the toilet was clean *YES, I chosed the cleanest toilet room*

In this 16 minutes in the toilet, this is my view.

And if I can record the smell of the toilet, it would have estimated 2 minutes of poop smell, I suspect it was from the room beside mine. FML. 

Luckily I got the stain washed off. 

And at the end, I didn't get new pants. 
Do you agree that it can be counted as one of the reason of buying new pants? 

But, actually we don't need a reason to do so. 
So, I'm wasting my time here and thinking of silly reason. sweat. 


  1. I would put that as a PERFECT reason, if there's a RM90 for 2 offer.

    But if its the sole reason, well, lets get a skirt instead.

    And hello sister! Information overload! Though I have my fair share of LOL moments scrolling down XD Just keep up the wittiness. I'm just saying XD

    1. wahaha.. 90 for 2?! maybe we can try finding this promotion in cotton on! XD

    2. we try la we try. eh, have to get pass your Moo Moo cow first. Cotton on don't know adak my size anot, very extra large limbs and body parts one me.
