
Thursday 18 July 2013

Pathetic country, pathetic citizens

This mornig read newspaper, came across the title that made me feel so awful about it. 

108 stpm scorer can't get any ticket further study in local university. Yes, you didn't see it wrong. 108 STPM SCORERS, OUT OF 9 CHOICES THEY FILL IN, THEY GOT NONE OF IT. And among 108 of them, 28 students score full marks, CGPA 4.0. 

Ooohh wwwwhhaaaat?????!!!! 

That's ridiculous. 

To be frank, I'm used to this issue. Every year when the student intake result comes out, there must be some unlucky one that kena this. So, this is not something very uncommon, or people will feel shock about it. Malaysia has never been transparent in a lot policies, especially education system. Why Im so shocked about it?! Aiyo. 

A close friend of mine told me a story. 
There are a fat boy who eats a lot and a slim girl that eats a little. But both are given the same amount of food. Do you think is it fair to them? 

The girl can't finish the food while the boy doesn't feel full at all. 

It's kinda lame.. But I get what message she is trying to give. 

Fair is not about equal. It's about the solution given is appropriate in circumstances. 

But this is too ridiculous.

This is so unfair. 
The students with great result can't even get into university, while others with not so good, or not as great as theirs get the course they want in university. 
Haih. Malaysia 

Some said this happened because of election which obviously shown that current government is not most Chinese favourite meanwhile most stpm students and scorers are Chinese. So, current government are trying to let Chinese knows, the result of not voting for them, some sort like punishment. I don't know how true it is. I don't know whether this is what they are thinking. But what I know is, the winner is not Malaysia. All of us lose in this unfair education system. Malaysian and Malaysia. 

The most happy is Singapore government, I think. Because at the end, when those budak cemerlang lose faith in Malaysia, Singapore is waving hands to them, open their arms welcoming out talent exporting from Malaysia. 

But, it is too much. 
Don't you think so? 


  1. yes, IT IS about giving the chinese a lesson not to 'betray' BN.
    80% malays actually hate non-malays and non-muslims. it's a fact, but they don't show it, or rather, they show it differently, like this public university enrollment thingy.
    sad truth. i have no faith in this country.

    1. I may agree with you for the first statement but I have no idea where you got the stats saying 80% malays actually hate non-malays and non muslims. I have not YET lose faith in this country since I have been seeing positive side of my muslim friends. One Malaysia is not easy to achieve yet is not unachievable future. Stay positive. =D

  2. a common indirect discrimination in malaysia. get used to it. being selected to have education in their trashy university isn't that good anyway. I'd rather prefer having it in private college.
